Sunday, January 30, 2011

How to impress a GIRL !

  • Be well-groomed. This is essential if you are even going to approach an attractive girl. Brush your hair, shower, wash your face, brush your teeth, use deodorant and maybe even a little cologne, and apply acne medicine daily (if you have a problem with your skin). Don't wear your pants off your butt, often called "sagging": it's not that attractive to the majority of girls. Wear clean, attractive clothes that fit. (If in doubt, get an older sister or close female friend to help you in this department.) Don't wear skin tight clothes, but don't wear clothes that are too baggy either. Girls hate that.

  • Have a great attitude. Be fun to hang around with, easy to laugh with, and be outgoing. Just don't be full of yourself. A girl may like an overly cocky guy at first, but eventually, she will find it selfish. Don't try to impress everyone: girls like humble guys. At the same time, a sense of humor is always good. Girls love when guys can make them laugh.

  • Show respect. If you respect everyone and give them their space, they'll all respect you. With girls, it works even better. If they see you respecting everyone, and not getting pushed around while you're at it, they will be reassured that you will treat them right. Be kind to all.

  • Have nice conversations. Try to aim for you both to be speaking half of the time, but make sure that you are saying something worthwhile. It's not attractive when only one person talks endlessly or when they say bad words. Another thing to watch for is her attention. If she isn't paying complete attention, do not repeat yourself several times. This makes girls feel you are desperate, and usually annoying.

  • Show interest in her. Let her talk. The #1 mistake when talking to a girl is focusing on yourself. Girls are way more comfortable when they talk about common interests. Ask about their interests, hobbies, favorite books, music, etc. If she asks you a question, answer it in a few, short sentences and then redirect the question back at her. This engages her in the conversation. When in doubt, compliment her like your hair looks nice today. Even if a girl does not like you yet, complimenting her will make her feel good about herself and think positively about you. However, if she keeps redirecting the conversation back to you, talk about yourself, otherwise it seems like you don't really want to be talking to her.

  • Try flirting! Don't be obsessive! If you both make eye contact, do not be the one to look away, but do not stare for too long. When you both make eye contact, just give a slight smile. Touch her arm or shoulder for a few seconds. Physical contact is a great way to show you're interested. If she seems uncomfortable, do not do it again.

  • She may look away and she might blush a little. Be careful though; you don't want to stare her down. A good move is to look away, and if she likes you she will shoot you glances. Watch for that. And be courteous. Open doors. Do kind things, girls love that.

  • Respect her friends and their ideas and opinions. Always speak highly of her and never talk trash about her. It will damage her reputation and yours. Hopefully then it will work both ways - she will be tolerant of your friends. Be careful not to compliment her friends too much, however. Example: You may say "Your friends seem cool. We should hang out with them and my friends some time, I think they'd get along". You may not say "Sally is so hot. She has the nicest eyes". You may think getting her jealous is a good idea, but it just makes them angry.

  • Have your friends be nice to her It's a fantastic thing when your friends don't make a total fool of you. Warn them ahead of time and avoid topics pertaining to embarrassing moments of your past or awkward jokes that make very little sense. Don't introduce her to your friends right away though. You want her to like you, not start dating one of your buddies. If your friends like to embarrass you, try to avoid them altogether.

  • Be polite to her parents. Be kind to everyone, especially them. Don't be too over-the-top charming with the parents, however, or they'll think that you have something to hide.Be willing make sure that you and her father get along as he will be looking out for his daughter.

  • Don't criticize her. Unless she asks for constructive criticism. And even then she probably wants you to compliment her.

  • Be romantic. but not over the top. If you've been dating for a while you may attempt a grand romantic gesture, otherwise, you'll look like a stalker. It's also okay to be a little cheesy, like giving her a bouquet of roses and a loving poem. It may sound like a bad idea, but girls will find it thoughtful if it came from your heart. A better idea than being cheesy is to really LISTEN to her and remember things she likes. Then take her somewhere she's mentioned wanting to go, or buy her the books she's been wanting and hide a little note inside. Flowers and candy are really cliche and don't really mean much since anyone can just buy someone flowers. Showing you've been listening to her wants and needs goes a LOT farther than roses!!

  • Start talking to her casually. If you don't know her, make friendly conversation. Ask for the time, and/or compliment her watch. Avoid throwing too many compliments about clothes or shoes around: that might make women think that you are homosexual as many gay men are fashion-forward.

  • Do not play "hard to get". Sure, you'll get their attention for a day or two then after a while, the girl will end up frustrated, and she'll think you don't find interest in her anymore.

  • Be careful with what you say. Do not discuss bodily functions in her presence, or make jokes of a sexual nature unless she starts doing so. Also, don't discuss anything gross or inappropriate. She'll get grossed out.

  • Hum in her presence. She might think of you whenever she hears that song. And she'll probably be impressed by your good taste in music. Some girls have actually dumped guys or stopped liking guys when they insulted the music they like. So, it's OK not to like her music, but don't be insulting her favorite singer(s) or band(s)! Try to figure out what music you BOTH like.

  • Start an inside joke with her! She will feel included and become closer to you. It also gives you an easy-to-come-up-with conversation starter. Try not to overuse it and kill the joke.

  • End later meetings with a hug, or plans to meet some other time, if you can. Make sure to tell her that you enjoyed her company.

  • Tell her that you "like her" frequently. Ask her out.

  • Touch her occasionally, like on the shoulder or hand. Be sure do not touch her private parts, however.

  • Opposites attract. Be a courageous gentleman, not coy like a lady might be.

  • Show your funny side. A lot of women look for sense of humor in a partner. You should however be mindful of their reactions to your jokes and avoid offensive humor. Unless they like that. Find out if she likes comedy. If she watches Comedy Central or other readily-accessible comedy, find out her favorite comedian or favorite impression and try something along the same lines for her.

  • Make her feel good. This is a really good thing that impresses girls. They love it when you let them know you care for them. If she's sad, just simply put your arm around her neck. Make her happy as much as you can. Flirt with her, hold her hand it will make her feel special.

  • Don't ever make fun of your friends around her. If you do, it might make her think that you're a jerk. When someone makes fun of other people, it makes a woman wonder what they might be saying about HER when she's not around!

  • Be honest. Do something creative, something extraordinary or something that others never do. That creates a question mark for the girl about you, and it also makes you interesting.

  • Be open. Don't share too many secrets with her. Sprinkle a little and don't irritate her asking repeated questions. Always keep your face glowing and charming.

  • Don't ignore her. Don't ever ignore her messages such as through phone calls, text messages or Facebook. Make her feel like you always have time for her.

  • Tease her. Believe it or not, most girls liked to be teased. It can be about something she said or whatever. Just make sure you don't overdo it and always use humor, you don't want to come off as a jerk.

  • Saturday, January 22, 2011

    Suicide or Seppuku

    If you are feeling suicidal now, please stop long enough to read this. It will only take about five minutes. I do not want to talk you out of your bad feelings. I am not a therapist or other mental health professional - only someone who knows what it is like to be in pain.
    I don't know who you are, or why you are reading this page. I only know that for the moment, you're reading it, and that is good. I can assume that you are here because you are troubled and considering ending your life. If it were possible, I would prefer to be there with you at this moment, to sit with you and talk, face to face and heart to heart. But since that is not possible, we will have to make do with this.
    I have known a lot of people who have wanted to kill themselves, so I have some small idea of what you might be feeling. I know that you might not be up to reading a long book, so I am going to keep this short. While we are together here for the next five minutes, I have five simple, practical things I would like to share with you. I won't argue with you about whether you should kill yourself. But I assume that if you are thinking about it, you feel pretty bad.
    Well, you're still reading, and that's very good. I'd like to ask you to stay with me for the rest of this page. I hope it means that you're at least a tiny bit unsure, somewhere deep inside, about whether or not you really will end your life. Often people feel that, even in the deepest darkness of despair. Being unsure about dying is okay and normal. The fact that you are still alive at this minute means you are still a little bit unsure. It means that even while you want to die, at the same time some part of you still wants to live. So let's hang on to that, and keep going for a few more minutes.

    Start by considering this statement:

    Suicide is not chosen; it happens
    when pain exceeds
    resources for coping with pain.

    That's all it's about. You are not a bad person, or crazy, or weak, or flawed, because you feel suicidal. It doesn't even mean that you really want to die - it only means that you have more pain than you can cope with right now. If I start piling weights on your shoulders, you will eventually collapse if I add enough weights... no matter how much you want to remain standing. Willpower has nothing to do with it. Of course you would cheer yourself up, if you could.
    Don't accept it if someone tells you, "That's not enough to be suicidal about." There are many kinds of pain that may lead to suicide. Whether or not the pain is bearable may differ from person to person. What might be bearable to someone else, may not be bearable to you. The point at which the pain becomes unbearable depends on what kinds of coping resources you have. Individuals vary greatly in their capacity to withstand pain.
    When pain exceeds pain-coping resources, suicidal feelings are the result. Suicide is neither wrong nor right; it is not a defect of character; it is morally neutral. It is simply an imbalance of pain versus coping resources.
    You can survive suicidal feelings if you do either of two things:
    (1) find a way to reduce your pain,  
    (2) find a way to increase your coping resources. Both are possible.

    Now I want to tell you five things to think about.
    1You need to hear that people do get through this -- even people who feel as badly as you are feeling now. Statistically, there is a very good chance that you are going to live. I hope that this information gives you some sense of hope.
    2Give yourself some distance. Say to yourself, "I will wait 24 hours before I do anything." Or a week. Remember that feelings and actions are two different things - just because you feel like killing yourself, doesn't mean that you have to actually do it right this minute. Put some distance between your suicidal feelings and suicidal action. Even if it's just 24 hours. You have already done it for 5 minutes, just by reading this page. You can do it for another 5 minutes by continuing to read this page. Keep going, and realize that while you still feel suicidal, you are not, at this moment, acting on it. That is very encouraging to me, and I hope it is to you.
    3People often turn to suicide because they are seeking relief from pain. Remember that relief is a feeling. And you have to be alive to feel it. You will not feel the relief you so desperately seek, if you are dead.
    4Some people will react badly to your suicidal feelings, either because they are frightened, or angry; they may actually increase your pain instead of helping you, despite their intentions, by saying or doing thoughtless things. You have to understand that their bad reactions are about their fears, not about you.
    But there are people out there who can be with you in this horrible time, and will not judge you, or argue with you, or send you to a hospital, or try to talk you out of how badly you feel. They will simply care for you. Find one of them. Now. Use your 24 hours, or your week, and tell someone what's going on with you. It is okay to ask for help. Try:
    • Send an anonymous e-mail to The Samaritans
    • Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 (TTY:1-800-799-4TTY)
    • Look in the front of your phone book for a crisis line
    • Call a psychotherapist
    • Carefully choose a friend or a minister or rabbi, someone who is likely to listen
    But don't give yourself the additional burden of trying to deal with this alone. Just talking about how you got to where you are, releases an awful lot of the pressure, and it might be just the additional coping resource you need to regain your balance.
    Suicidal feelings are, in and of themselves, traumatic. After they subside, you need to continue caring for yourself. Therapy is a really good idea. So are the various self-help groups available both in your community and on the Internet.
    Well, it's been a few minutes and you're still with me. I'm really glad.
    Since you have made it this far, you deserve a reward. I think you should reward yourself by giving yourself a gift. The gift you will give yourself is a coping resource. Remember, back up near the top of the page, I said that the idea is to make sure you have more coping resources than you have pain. So let's give you another coping resource, or two, or ten...! until they outnumber your sources of pain.
    Now, while this page may have given you some small relief, the best coping resource we can give you is another human being to talk with. If you find someone who wants to listen, and tell them how you are feeling and how you got to this point, you will have increased your coping resources by one. Hopefully the first person you choose won't be the last. There are a lot of people out there who really want to hear from you. It's time to start looking around for one of them.

    Friday, January 21, 2011

    New Zodiac Sign dates 2011

    For some people who believe in the zodiac and used as a benchmark in running their lives. Recently been enlivened the news of the change in the zodiac, so you for your zodiac that has become characteristic of yourself suddenly have to change. You get confused what to do? what about the fate of your next?.

    This zodiac calendar reform and the debut of the constellation Ophiuchus has made the followers of astrology around the world are in confusion about the future and their fate. Ophiuchus is a constellation of stars to those born between 29 November to 17 December.

    Zodiac is indeed already exist and thrive in Egypt as the development of astrology in Mesopotamia. The astrologers have developed a system that connects the changing seasons with a certain star groups called constellations. At first, astrologers studied celestial objects are only for general predictions about the future, then developed by drawing a horoscope perorangran system.

    According to Parke Kunkle, board member of the Minnesota Planetarium star signs have been around since about 2,000 years ago by tracking where the sun in the sky each month. However, the force of gravity the moon has been slowly moving the Earth on its axis, making about one month bump in the alignment of the stars.

    The New Dates 2011 Would therefore be:

    Capricorn: January 20-February 16
    Aquarius: February 16-March 11
    Pisces: March 11-April 18
    Aries: April 18-May 13
    Taurus: May 13-June 21
    Gemini: June 21-July 20
    Cancer: July 20-Aug. 10
    Leo: Aug. 10-Sept. 16
    Virgo: Sept. 16-Oct. 30
    Libra: Oct. 30-November 23
    Scorpio: November 23-Dec. 17
    Sagittarius: Dec. 17-January 20

    Saturday, January 8, 2011

    The Importance Of Sex In A Relationship

    Stress can take a major toll on your sex life.
    For a man, work and money-related stress is particularly likely to take its toll on libido.
    A woman's, stress usually starts at home, and including her relationship, which sends her sexual desire packing.
    In today’s busy world, many couples find themselves juggling a hectic work life with an equaly hectic homelife. From kids to careers to simply getting enough sleep, it’s all too easy for couples to allow their relationships to fall off the to-do list.
    The problem is that even if a couple shares a strong partnership as parents, that relationship if sexless can become vulnerable. Sex isn’t an issue unless a couple isn’t having any! Then it rapidly becomes the spectre that no one talks about. When one partner has a higher sex drive than the other the lack of physical intimacy becomes a source of resentment resulting in added stress further increasing the stress and in turn further pushing sex down the list.
    "Sex isn’t an issue unless a couple isn’t having any"
    Research shows sex is one of the main causes couples argue, often above money, housework and other common sources of conflict. Sex is also one of those subjects that women tend to keep bottled up because they’re afraid of eliciting an angry reaction.
    Many men respond by fighting, arguing triggers the brain’s fight or flight response system. and it’s this confrontational approach raises one’s heart rate, increases blood pressure and plays a big role in cardiac disease. The opposite reaction, flight, can be just as harmful, if not worse, for women. It leads to self-silencing: a bottling-up of emotions that causes anxiety, depression and a cascade of unhealthy behaviors.
    Whether they’re arguing or allowing resentment to build, a couple will drift further away from physical intimacy, which is an important part of reconnecting and buffering stress. As they start to feel more disconnected, they’re not apt to feel very sexual, and a destructive cycle takes over. One or both partners may turn to sex-substitutes, which often come in the form of comfort eating, alcohol and drug use, or, if the problem goes on too long infidelity. These paths are no solution, drinking too much can result in sexual dysfunction, which will only make matters worse. Alcohol interferes with erectile function, lubrication and sexual desire, as do other common treatments for too much stress, antidepressants and sedatives.
    To regain a positive sex life, couples need to find a way to put sex back to the top of the list find a way to reduce daily stresses where they can. Both partners must redirect some energy toward their relationship with each other, and get over feelings of guilt or excuses that they are too busy, or too tired.

    If one person reaches out and starts to make the effort, most couples find that it becomes easier relatively quickly. Both people begin to feel closer to each other and stop co-existing and remember what they had together before the kids and all of the responsibilities came along.
    Couples to try to have sex once a week, unless there is an real reason not to do so such as illness. Plan a special night, or simply spend quality time together after the kids have gone to bed, devote some attention to each other at least one night a week, if not more.
    Start a new ritual together, then work from there. Soon the stress in your relationship will disappear which in turn will enable you to deal better with lifes other stress' and that vicious negative circle will rapidly reverse into a positive benificial experience, you will feel happier, you’ll be a more connected, feel supported.
    Better sex better life